Your natural beauty routine isn’t all it can be, without these steps! Everyone needs to know these routines to naturally enhance their health and beauty.
Building an all natural beauty routine, is a personal process that takes time to build. It requires many steps to have an all inclusive routine that addresses skin care naturally and cares for your whole body from head to toe!
These skincare routine steps are not your typical, and cover the easily forgotten (but important!) areas in your natural beauty routine.
This article will help you to craft the best natural skin care routine for your self, so you aren’t missing anything in your daily self care! All of the methods here are non toxic, affordable and can be easily done at home!
This post is about the forgotten steps of your natural beauty routine.
Essential Natural Beauty Routine Steps
Facial Cupping for Natural Anti Aging
There are a number of benefits to facial cupping therapy. Firstly, it great for de-puffing, and getting that fresh face look. As well as being an incredible anti wrinkle method, by stimulating circulation in the skin and facial muscles. This way, it stimulates collagen production and lowers inflammation, both contribute to younger and healthier skin.
Facial cupping therapy is an excellent way to help the body to discard of toxins through the lymphatic system. And immediately after there will be a noticeable lifting effect to the skin.
It is an ancient technique originally from Traditional Chinese Medicine, that can be done at home or professionally. Add it to your natural morning beauty routine as a weekly practice for the most benefits. Morning is the best time to incorporate it, to take advantage of the temporary tightened look that comes directly after treatment.
You will need 2 things to add this to your natural skin care routine at home, a facial cupping set and a facial cupping oil, (any kind of facial oil liberally applied is great) below are some options!
Click Here to Purchase a facial cupping therapy set glass
Click Here to Purchase a facial cupping therapy set silicone
Click Here to Purchase a multi-use facial cupping oil
2. Dry Brushing for Naturally Smooth Skin
Body skin care is one of the easily forgotten self care steps in a natural beauty routine, but it’s just as important as facial skin care! Dry brushing is a quick step that can be added in to your routine each day before showering.
Our body skin is thick and should be exfoliated often, to keep it smooth and supple. Dry brushing is a gentle alternative to typical in-shower exfoliation, which can be irritating and too intense for sensitive skin. It is also said to help reduce the appearance of cellulite!
This at home beauty treatment, contributes to your wellness too, dry brushing benefits your body by helping to massage your lymphatic system to drain out toxins. Dry brush your limbs in the direction that your blood flows to your heart, this will be following the lymphatic system circulation, and will give maximum health benefits.
Pick a brush made of natural materials, like wood or bamboo. And decide on your personal preference for the stiffness of the bristles. A dry brush with a handle can make it easier to reach your back!
Click Here to Purchase a dry brush for body
3. Gua Sha Massage for Natural Wrinkle Prevention
Even a minimalist natural skin care routine should include Gua Sha massage. It is an easy, relaxing step to add to your morning, that reveals instant results that increase in appearance over time.
Gua Sha benefits include de-puffing, improving and reversing wrinkles, and reversing sagging. The massage method promotes circulation, and lymphatic massage to detox the body.
The jade stone that the tool is traditionally made from, is cooling to the touch said to facilitate emotional healing. Overall, you will be left with an immediate glowy, refreshed look, and over time it will notice a chiseled effect to your face.
Gua Sha tools come in many shapes and materials, all with their own benefits.
Click Here to Purchase a classic jade Gua Sha
Click Here to Purchase a rose quarts Gua Sha, an anti bacterial option for acne prone skin
4. Tongue Scraping for Naturally Fresh Breathe
Tongue scraping is a vital part of an everyday natural beauty routine. It is an incredibly effective way at ridding your body of toxins.
Each morning after waking, your mouth will have some build up from sleeping. It will be much worse if you were sleeping with your mouth open, or you are sick.
Scraping your tongue should be the very first thing in your natural beauty routine, even before brushing your teeth! the longer that gunk sits in your mouth, the more of it you swallow back into your system. Yuck!
The benefits of tongue scraping are numerous, along with improving your overall oral hygiene, tongue scraping also improves bad breathe.
Here’s a tip, brushing your tongue with a toothbrush is NOT the same as scraping it. In fact, it’s best to avoid brushing the tongue, as it will only push bacteria down into the tissue.
Click Here to Purchase a tongue scraper copper is antimicrobial, to keep things sanitary!
5. Oil Pulling to Naturally Whiten Teeth
Oil pulling is a key method to maintaining oral health naturally. As a part of your natural beauty routine, it will keep your whole mouth clean, not just your teeth.
Just swish a tablespoon of Coconut Oil in your mouth after brushing your teeth. It is method of remineralizing teeth, when done for at least 2 minutes and up to 20min each day.
Coconut oil is a very effective oil to use, because it is a natural antimicrobial, so it will aide in keeping your mouth free of bacteria and plaque. And is very effective for preventing cavities.
Another benefit of oil pulling, is to prevent bad breathe and noticeably whiten teeth! It is the best natural method for achieving that bright white look, without bleaching teeth.
But be careful… if you have metal fillings in your mouth, skip oil pulling all together! As it will pull the toxins out of the fillings and into your body… its truly a powerful therapy!
Click Here to Purchase Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil for whitening teeth and maintaining tooth health!
— Need to naturally strengthen your nails? Click HERE to read the complete guide for strong nails! —
6. Scalp Exfoliation for Naturally Healthy Hair
Use a scalp exfoliant in your natural beauty routine to really improve your hair health. Each strand of hair is impacted by the scalp health, as it grows through the hair follicle. So its important to remember to care for the scalp skin as much as you would any other skin!
Benefits of scalp exfoliation include improving hair health, speeding up hair growth, relieving an itchy scalp, remove product build up and managing dandruff!
A scalp exfoliant can be made or bought, and can be comprised of either physical or chemical exfoliation(or both!). An easy homemade scalp exfoliator is sugar mixed with oil, and massaged into the scalp. This method will help nourish the scalp and remove dead skin, and should be washed out afterward. It should only be used up to once per week, since it is a more aggressive form of scalp exfoliation. Homemade scalp scrub will be a bit messier than a quality store bought product.
Store bought scalp scrub is often made with a finer exfoliant, and can be used more frequently. Look for ingredients like glycolic or lactic acid, which are chemical exfoliants that gently dissolve dead skin, and help get rid of dandruff! Look for moisturizing and nourishing ingredients to care for a dry or itchy scalp.
Click Here to Purchase a fan favorite Scalp exfoliator with proven results!
7. Ear Candles to Gently Clean Ears
Ear candling is an ancient technique of clearing the ears from wax build up. It’s an incredibly relaxing treatment that can be included in your natural beauty routine annually. Either have it done at a spa or at home.
It’s a fun activity to do with the help of a friend! Start by laying still on your side, light one ear candle and stick the non burning end in your ear. Listen to the whooshing noise of the candle burning for about 30 minutes, while it draws out deep wax from your ears. At the end, take a look inside and see the sometimes HUGE amount of wax that’s been inside your ears! It’s both super satisfying, and super gross!
Ear wax removal candle benefits include migraine relief and sinus pressure relief. It’s a gentle and non invasive way to clean your ears. And cold season is a great time to have ear candling done, to clear out any lingering stuffiness.
Click Here to Purchase some and see your own ear candling results 😉
Whether you are adding these steps to your current natural beauty regime, or learning to find non toxic and effective alternatives to your current beauty routine, these are essential steps for stellar natural self care! Further, each of these suggested steps are affordable and can even be done at home.
This post was all about the natural at home treatments to add to your natural beauty routine.